Locate Hole's Center

Locate Hole's Center

Locating the center of a hole is a complex process if you are using analog measuring tools.

Focus has the ability to digitally measure distances, using digital 3D sensors (3D Touch Probe), and can easily detect hole centers.





How does it work ?

In the following video you will see how easy and fast is the process of locating the center of a hole, using a 3D sensor, while at the bottom of this page you will see how simple it is to connect it to your Controller.


How to wire the 3D Touch Probe

The following two schematics explain how to connect a 3D Touch Probe to your GRBL Controller. In case you need help you can contact us.

3D Touch Probe wiring with 4-Axis CNC Motherboard

The following schematic explains how to connect the 3D Touch Probe to the SourceRabbit 4-Axis CNC Motherboard. All you need is wiring the 3D Touch Probe to the probe Pins.

The Probe pins on our 4-Axis CNC Motherboard, like the pins for the terminal switches, are opto isolated to keep away any external electromagnetic interference so you will not need anything extra to your wiring.

Note: You can use 3D Touch Probes in NC (Normally Close) or NO (Normally Open)  mode.
We recommend using NC as it has much better and safer behavior.

3D Touch Probe wiring with SourceRabbit 4-Axis CNC Motherboard
3D Touch Probe wiring with SourceRabbit 4-Axis CNC Motherboard

Tool Setter Wiring with Arduino Uno and CNC Shield

The following schematic explains how to connect the 3D Touch Probe to the Arduino CNC Shield. Requires connection of the 3D Touch Probe to pins SCL and GND of the CNC shield.
IMPORTANT: In order to make the 3D Touch Probe work properly with the Arduino Uno and the CNC Shield, you MUST isolate it with an opto coupler. For more information visit the GRBL Wiki (

3D Touch Probe wiring with Arduino Uno and CNC Shield
3D Touch Probe wiring with Arduino Uno and CNC Shield